Give a Heart
Share a Smile
Create a ripple of kindness!

“This is for you,” I say, “a reminder that love is infinite, and you are never truly alone.” I see a flicker of surprise in her eyes, a pause in her demeanor. As I walk away, I feel the warmth of a simple act of giving, a seed of kindness planted.

Many acts of kindness are impromptu and random.

It's easy to give a heart when it's in your pocket (or purse).

Take the first step to making someone's day,
even your own!

Be The Light

It is so very important to stay optimistic. Yet at times that can be tough. We are sometimes overwhelmed ourselves and may not know what someone else is going through.

Leave behind a heart that seems to beat with a promise that we are part of something larger, something infinitely kind.

Giving has as much impact for the giver as it does for the receiver.

Breathe - Be Kind - Give Hearts


"We truly do love the Infinite Love Hearts. My 8 year old sister and other kids are always telling me that they give them to friends and teachers at school."

- Diana

"I love the concept and I’m going to give them out with my upcoming Christmas cards and presents."

- amy

"Thank you for enclosing the extra hearts! I gave them to my wife and she has been handing them out. We love what you guys are doing!!!"

- Tom

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